19 September 2013. 'Old meets New' at the Dutch Steam Engine Museum (Nederlands Stoommachinemuseum) in Medemblik. The museum will manage its, more than 100 years old, steam engines with the StarIPS software. MirTac en Star Information Systems offer both software and knowledge free of charge.
Joop Leurs, Technical Manager at the museum says: ‘Star will become an important part of our museum. In conformance with the demands of the Museum Register we have registered and documented the property. We would like to continue on this path with a sophisticated asset management system. Assets will be registered with all corresponding parts and documents.
At this point we maintain our engines on an ad-hoc basis. With Star we will plan our maintenance based on the original O. E.M. regulations whilst taking into account discontinuous and idle operations. Our volunteers will be supported with specific, engine related, instructions and insight into the proper materials and spare parts. Work will become more efficient, history and knowledge will be built and recorded. Stock control and material requisitions are easily managed and will quickly reduce cost. In addition, we also need to comply with certifications of pressure vessels, lifting gear and fire extinguishers. StarIPS is very welcome. In the past I already had the pleasure to work with MirTac and StarIPS’.
Barend Tooten, Managing Director, MirTac, adds: ‘The museum is a beautiful initiative to keep our Dutch history of old steam engines alive. At its impressive location in Medemblik, West-Friesland, volunteers do their utmost to keep these machines operational. The museum, when in operation with steam, is a unique experience! That is why we feel, together with Star Information Systems, it is an honour to sponsor the Nederlands Stoommachinemuseum with our knowledge and software.’
About Nederlands Stoommachinemuseum
The Nederlands Stoommachinemuseum (Dutch Steam Engine Museum), part of the European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH), keeps the history alive of water pump station ‘Vier Noorder Koggen’ and the development and significance of steam engines in general. The original pumps and a fair number of beautiful machines, almost all working with steam, represent an interesting timeframe in the Netherlands. Steam was and is important in our daily life.
An important part of the museum is the original installation. The impressive centrifugal pump and its transmission adequately show what men could do more than hundred years ago. The steam engine, cause of the Industrial Revolution, is currently replaced by more efficient power sources. The museum restores, preserves and displays a wide variety of machinery from this steam past. Without their impressive power and achievements we could not have come so far as where we are now. In and around the museum many machines can be admired and, on specific hours, be visited in operational status.